Been a while.

The past few months sure have been a roller coaster ride of great times and crappy lows. My daughter was Born just over two months ago and has made my life so much richer in love than ever before. The Inich family is Complete and we couldn’t be happier. I have yet to post any recent picture but will get on that soon. The rest of the family has been doing great. Austin is out of school and couldn’t be happier about it. He is really enjoying his time off. His two little brothers sure are to. Now that Tye and Baylor have their big brother home every day, it sure has been great for them. Sure there are times they do not get along but for the most part they all have a great time together. There has been a fallout with my family lately. I am not going to get into details on here but I can tell you I will no longer let people treat me as I have been in the past. When I was younger we moved a ton and never stayed in one place for to long. so I switched schools a lot and it was real easy to not get attached to anything and I developed a way to say goodbye or let things go in my life very quickly without it bothering me to much. Unfortunetly I had to do this with family lately. I finally had enough and had to walk away. No family is perfect but it shouldn’t be this way. I have learned how not to treat my kids and wife by watching them and just believe I should have taken more  positive things from examples than negative. Maybe I’m a better person for it. I started school again. I am going online to get my BA in I.T. Mgt. and so far it’s going very good.  My wife is still her lovely self. I can not believe how lucky I am to have a wife like her. She is affectionate, loving, selfless, completely supportive and so many more things that I am lucky to have. Just couldn’t be happier. So my next goal is to get some pictures up of the entire family. Soon!!!