Kids in puppet heaven

The Littles just got a puppet theatre and did they have some fun! I have to boast this Melissa & Doug puppet theatre for a moment. I’m really impressed. Sturdy construction and really cute. Anyway, the Littles put on many puppet shows for us that night. Jennyie and I did for them as well. In our home we are surrounded by sports, hockey sticks, play guns, you name it, if a boy can pick it up and pretend to blow something up or someone then we have it. We have noticed the Db’s growing in our home from day to day so we thought this would be a great way to “help” them in going to a more quiet and calm direction. I mean after all we are bringing home a little girl soon and from day one I really don’t want her to here the sounds of nerf guns and boys fighting all day. Well it was a perfect buy. The kids love it and enjoy it ever day.

We all fart!

I do not think I need to go into any more detail.

We all know that our farts are smelly and disgusting to our wives. We also know that our wives do not fart.  As my son would think, all women play the air guitar. A nicer way to put it is they “drop roses.”  We could take the lovely smell in for hours at a time if it is our own.  If it is someone else’s fart, we may keel over and die.  Farts are a very serious matter as they can be both fun and disgusting.   When it comes to babies or toddlers though, it is a laughing matter.

Well last night I downloaded an app. to my phone that gives out some of the greatest fart sounds I have ever heard.  I let out a rip roaring fart (from the phone). My wife game a look of disgust while my son started laughing his head off.  He looked at me with tears in his eyes because he laughed so hard. It was a look of dad; you are the coolest for farting like real man, but at this moment I was actually faking it.  I gave him a look back like I was proud of that one.   I also could tell he felt I scored one for the team by grossing his mom out.

Now my kids always laugh when anyone farts.  He even laughs at his own loud gas bubbles.  What makes it a game is when he hears the flatulent sound he makes and the fart sound he makes with his tongue and then laughs and laughs.  It is unbelievable that my Littles have picked up the corresponding sound with there tongue and real farts.   I am glad I have some smart boys on my hands.  They are on there way to becoming real men by enjoying farts as well as making similar sounds that correlate to his butt and mouth.   He’ll just have to learn in the future that when he gets married, it is better to hold it in instead of grossing out the wife.

Randomness at its best…

Ok so is today really what a Monday should feel like. Shouldn’t I feel stressful, out numbered, without patience or am I wrong? Did I do something good today? Do I deserve to feel so youthful? Have I really obtained a sense of peace that I have been longing for. Or am I in a realm of non reality looking down to myself with 3-d glasses behind a two way mirror? I don’t know. I’m not high. I’m not asleep. I have not been hit in my orbiofrontal cortex, in fact my eyes are open. I’m aware of my surrounding and engulfed in what I am doing. I don’t even feel strange. I feel alive. So should I thank God for this feeling of serenity or Folgers? Either way I’m thankful.