
Well I have to say it is not an easy transition back into reality when you get two weeks off with a new born daughter, 3 amazing sons and a wife that makes it all look so easy. But truth of the matter is I am back in the office and working my butt off to provide for all my “littles” and that amazing wife I have.  At this time today, I have had no coffee, i’m on a diet, and I am tired from a lack of sleep. But when you are a dad it really is all worth it. For a man the most important thing to feel satisfied in ones life is the feeling of being needed. For me especially it’s not about just bringing home the paycheck and providing for the family its all about being needed. I feel more inadequate when I can not do something for my wife and kids aside from the norm. The great thing about my life is I get to do that daily. The littles that are awake in the morning i get dressed and feed them breakfast, when I am home from work I clean up a bit, throw in some laundry, make dinner, get me wife anything she needs and as long as i’m not exhausted my wife always gets a back rub. I am no angel, but I seriously value what  and who I have in my life. My wife and I have added a new addition to the family. This little angel is named Houston Deanne Inich. She is our first daughter and our last child. She is so perfect, so sweet and we are so happy to have her in our life’s. In the next post I will put up some pictures of this perfect little bundle of awesomeness. I love you Houston.